Dry Skin

Dry skin is unable to retain water and lipids, dehydrates, becomes rough and flakes. If you tend to have dry skin, there's only one thing to do: moisturize it. To help your skin maintain the right amount of hydration, try the GUAM treatments for dry skin: the scrub - essential for removing the layer of dead cells, but also the emollient shower gels, nourishing and revitalizing body creams and butters.

Dry skin is unable to retain water and lipids, dehydrates, becomes rough and flakes. If you tend to have dry skin, there's only one thing to do: moisturize it. To help your skin maintain the right amount of hydration, try the GUAM treatments for dry skin: the scrub - essential for removing the layer of dead cells, but also the emollient shower gels, nourishing and revitalizing body creams and butters.