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guam seaweed
true results

leggings guam
with Guam seaweed

Feeding on the riches of the sea, algae concentrate the properties of the marine environment up to 50,000 times. Hence the origin and the well-known extraordinary nature of their benefits when they become the main ingredient in treatments for the care, beauty and well-being of the person.

the most requested

personaliSed advice:
Discover with us the treatments
for your needs

our treatments

Complete treatments, offered in different formulations
to meet the different needs of the skin and every lifestyle

“Our unconditional love for the sea and its riches is part of our history, and even today our most precious raw materials are seaweed, collected and treated with traditional methods, combined with precious vegetable oils, plant extracts, natural clays. and perfumed essences for treatments obtained with patience and respect for a rich and generous nature. However, consistency with our origins has not limited our continuous research and the desire to always offer the best: we open our eyes to the future by selecting the most innovative ingredients and technologies to adapt them to our formulations, in a perfect combination of wisdom from the past. and modern cosmetology.”

CEO Lacote - Egidio Siena

“Our unconditional love for the sea and its riches is part of our history, and even today our most precious raw materials are seaweed, collected and treated with traditional methods, combined with precious vegetable oils, plant extracts, natural clays. and perfumed essences for treatments obtained with patience and respect for a rich and generous nature. However, consistency with our origins has not limited our continuous research and the desire to always offer the best: we open our eyes to the future by selecting the most innovative ingredients and technologies to adapt them to our formulations, in a perfect combination of wisdom from the past. and modern cosmetology.”

CEO Lacote - Egidio Siena